Congratulations on joining Big Money Business Coach! Because you made the great decision to get in, you now have an opportunity to…

Get Access To My Entire Suite Of Online Programs (Worth $69,00.00+) For 98% Off With Coaching Success University

You’ll Have Access To Every Single Tool, Blueprint And System That Has Helped Me Create A Coaching Business Empire – And Thousands Of Coaches Have Used To Create Thriving Businesses Of Their Own!

Dear Friend,

Congratulations on investing in the Big Money Business Coach program! You’ve taken a significant step towards building a successful coaching business.


Now, let's take a moment to think bigger. 


Why stop here when you can have it all? 


I’m offering you a chance to get access to my entire library of resources in addition to what’s included in Big Money Business Coach for 12 months…


…giving you access to all 47 of my comprehensive programs that will catapult your coaching to the next level, no matter where you are on your coaching journey.


Whether you’re testing the waters to see if coaching is your calling or you’re on the verge of landing your first client…


….Coaching Success University arms you with every tool, blueprint, and system I’ve created.

This Is Your Opportunity To Dive Into A Whole Year Of Learning And Growth So You Can:

Check Out Some Of The Amazing Programs You Get…

Coaching Business Empire

Get ready to go beyond just 1-on-1 coaching and group coaching by learning how to….  

  • Write #1 bestselling books 
  • Lead sold out live events 
  • Create blockbuster online training programs 
  • Run high-end masterminds

Value: $10,000.00

Certified A.I. Business Coach

In this powerful training program, I reveal how to…

  • Get hired easily by business owners who know A.I.’s importance, but need help
  • Master A.I. concepts to empower and confidently guide your business owner clients
  • Utilize A.I. tools to uncover and understand client needs and preferences
  • Accelerate the process of creating effective marketing campaigns
  • Implement automation strategies to optimize and scale business operations
  • And much, much more!

Value: $5,000.00

Bestselling Book in Less than a Day: Turn Your Ideas Into A Bestselling Book In Less Than A Day

In this cutting edge training you'll learn…

  • How I wrote my book in 3 hours and made it a #1 best-seller (this works even if you don’t enjoy writing)  
  • How I wrote and launched three #1 bestselling books in just 7 months  
  • My personal system for writing and successfully promoting a book and getting the authority and credibility that only being a “#1 bestselling author” can give you  
  • How to make your book attract high-end clients 
  • How to name and frame your book so people are eager to get it as soon as it’s available  
  • How to make your book a Kindle and Amazon bestseller  
  • Why it’s essential to start using free books to promote your next product launch (and why you’re missing out big-time if you don’t)  
  • Insider-secrets of how I created my last 3 books and made them all best-sellers 

Value: $1,000.00

Client Retention Secrets: How to Generate Bigger, More Consistent Income In Your Business

If your clients stay with you permanently, you’ll never need to ‘market’ your services again. In this powerful audio program, you’ll discover…   

  • How keeping clients longer is in their own best interest  
  • Ways to set up a long term coaching relationship right from the beginning!  
  • How to free yourself up from the constant search for new clients! (When clients leave, you have to go back out into the marketplace to get new ones to take their place – that can be exhausting and is one of the biggest reasons many coaches NEVER completely fill up their client load)

Value: $1,000.00

Big Money Business Coach: The Business Coach Training & Certification Program

In this powerful program, you will discover… 

  • How to work with business owners to double, triple, or 10X their sales and profits 
  • The 5 critical success factors to effectively coach business owners
  • How to attract and sign up business owner clients
  • Organizational development strategies for building a world-class team
  • How to help clients find low-hanging fruit so they make big money fast and see you as well worth the investment right out of the gate

Value: $10,000.00

The Coach's Business Plan Toolkit: Write the Plan For Your 6 Or 7 Figure Coaching Business Empire

In this powerful training, you will…  

  • Create a step-by-step plan for marketing your business and getting great clients this month and over the long-term  
  • Create a specific action plan so that you know exactly what you should be doing in your coaching business every day   
  • Plan out your entire long-term successful product line from free products, all the way up to high end “platinum” programs that cost $10K or more

Value: $1,000.00

Discover Your Perfect Niche: How to Find the Perfect Niche Market Match For You

In this powerful audio program you will discover…  

  • How to think about your target market  
  • How to overcome the biggest challenges people face with picking a niche  
  • How you sometimes need to “mess up” what you have so that you can get what you want
  • Get clear on the perfect niche for you so you can start getting clients right away
  • Feel confident and certain that you’re in the best niche for your unique set of skills, ability and expertise
  • Know what niches NOT to go into (you’d be surprised how many coaches don’t realize when they’ve gone into a dead end niche.)
  • Create a buzz around you new niche and excite your new tribe about working with you

Value: $1,000.00

Client Attraction & Money Making Mastery

In this powerful online training program, you will…  

  • Have an exact system for finding clients and growing your email list  
  • Have copy and paste templates that you can use as they are (or you can customize them with your coach and make them your own – either way, half your work is done for you)  
  • Know where to find, and how to win over folks that can pass you loads and loads of clients

Value: $5,000.00

Deep Impact: How to Turn The Growth Of Your Business Into A Movement

With this audio program, you will discover how to…  

  • Generate “buzz” for your coaching business as your work is no longer just about getting clients, it becomes a “movement”  
  • Create a far more rewarding business. You’ll enjoy it more because you’ll get more emails, phone calls, and notes of adoration because you’ll be making a bigger difference to a lot more people  
  • Dramatically increase your confidence and ability to make a measurable difference in your client’s lives on a much more consistent basis

Value: $1,000.00

Dreams to Destiny: Make Your Coaching Business Dreams Inevitable – Look Back in 12 Months At The Most Fulfilling, Rewarding, Exciting, and Financially Lucrative Year of Your LIFE

With this online video program, you will…  

  • Make the results you most desire an absolute certainty – eliminate self-doubts, lack of clarity, and create a clear focused direction, action plan, and support system  
  • Discover why most people fall FAR SHORT of the true results they long for and are capable of, and what you need to do about it   
  • Use the 5 most important ‘focus factors’ that will attract more clients and cash into your life

Value: $1,000.00

Your Dream Life Now: How to Design & Start Living Your Perfect Life Today

In this video program, you will… 

  • Learn how coaching can provide your dream life more easily and effectively than any other ‘JOB’ 
  • Identify 9 areas to focus on if you want to create your dream life TODAY 
  • Download your very own ‘Dream Life Now Planner’ and fill it out to start attracting success in all areas of your life 
  • Figure out how many clients you need and how many hours you want to work so you can live your dream life, starting right now…

Value: $1,000.00

Highly Persuasive: Advanced Influence Skills Training

Persuasion is one of the most powerful skills to possess. People who are highly persuasive have things come to them much easier. In this powerful program, I will share with you the mindset, language patterns, and communication structures of highly persuasive people. You’ll be able to use it to get what you want at home, at work, in your business, at the store, or wherever you want.

During this powerful training, you will discover how to… 

  • Get the things that you want in a way that’s mutually beneficial and non-manipulative 
  • Have people buy from you more often and at higher price points 
  • Have people fall in love with you 
  • Eliminate arguments 
  • Become a great leader 
  • And much more…

Value: $5,000.00

Enemies Into Allies: How to Defuse the Most Negative People In Your Life and Turn them Into Powerful Supports For Your Success

This audio program shows you how to…  

  • Eliminate “defensiveness” to comments and criticisms that people make about you and your dreams, so that you can be calm and rational when discussing what they’re telling you   
  • Request help from the people who are hampering your success. (Doing this will squelch their fears and take the wind out of their negativity)

Value: $1,000.00

Mastermind Millions: How to Create and Fill Your Own Ultra High End Mastermind Programs

From this training you will be able to…  

  • Create a red hot mastermind offer (I’m going to give you my mastermind offer PowerPoints for both of my masterminds and the videos of me making the offers)  
  • Feel confident making your offer (I’ve lost out on millions of dollars because I had mental/emotional blocks to making offers from stage. But I’ve broken through them and I’ll help you do the same)  
  • Structure your event to do the selling for you (Follow this 3-day plan to success)  
  • Get personal (tell the right story at the right time to inspire people to step up and jump into your program)  
  • Use an application process (In the program I’ll give you the applications, forms, and contracts that I use)

Value: $5,000.00

Free Sessions That Sell: The Client Sign-Up System

In this powerful online training program, you will…  

  • Have the #1 most powerful system for signing up 1-on-1 and group coaching clients  
  • Know how to handle the biggest objections folks have with signing up to work with you right on the spot  
  • Get new client after new client signing up at higher and higher fees

Value: $5,000.00

Free Webinars That Sell: Create & Fill Highly Lucrative Webinars That Generate Massive Inflows Of Clients & Cash

This program is designed to teach you all of the key elements of selling products and programs via webinars. With these secrets, you'll be able to sell a program before you even create it. This is one of the most effective ways to spread your message, build your email list and make tons of money online.  

In this program, you'll discover the latest strategies on how to…   

  • Sell your highly lucrative products and programs straight from a webinar  
  • Make more sales with your program without putting in the money or effort of a full blown launch  
  • Turn your webinars into an event people pour in for and rave about to others  
  • Turn your webinars into an email list-building machine  
  • Connect with your target market on a deeper level so they trust you and are willing to pay you even more  
  • Infuse cash flow during “dry” periods in your business

Value: $5,000.00

High Profit JV Partnerships: How To Get Tons Of People To Promote You & Sell Your Programs For You

In this powerful, 5-module training you’ll discover…

  • How to identify the best JV partners for you and get yourself ready to be promoted 
  • How to approach JV partners the “right” way and win them over to get them promoting you 
  • How to structure JV partnerships so they become win-win-win for everyone, every time

Value: $5,000.00

Free Your Time, Free Your Life: The Time Abundance Program

Most ‘time management’ programs don’t give you more ‘free time’. This program is different. It will transform your relationship with time altogether.


In this powerful 7-module program, you’ll discover…  

  • How to free your mind of time scarcity, so “not enough time” never becomes an issue for you ever again    
  • How to develop patient timelines so you have plenty of time and space to make your biggest goals become an inevitable reality AND you enjoy the process a whole lot more   
  • How to set your life up so that you LOVE everything you do (imagine that!)

Value: $2,000.00

Online Programs That Sell

In this powerful training, you'll discover…

  • How to come up with a winning program idea (don’t make this mistake that dooms most programs to failure)

  • How to name a program so people instantly want it as soon as they hear the name of it

  • How to break a program down into bite-size chunks that are easily consumable, easily teachable, and highly valuable

  • How to uncover fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that could sabotage you from creating and launching your program

  • How to do market research, so you know for certain you're creating an offer people anticipate and want

  • How to get other people to market and sell your programs for you

  • How to build a big tribe of friends, fans, and followers hungry for exactly what you offer

Value: $2,000.00

The More Money Program: How to Get More Money, Save More Money, Spend More Money, Give More and Live More… Starting Right Now

In this powerful training, you will…  

  • Turn yourself into a money attracting magnet  
  • Uncover your unconscious financial “blueprint”/money patterns, so that you can resolve them once and for all  
  • Discover the underlying factors that keep you weak, small, and powerless… so that you can release them and unleash the huge, strong, and powerful person you were born to be

Value: $2,000.00

Rapid Results Coaching Academy: The Certification Program

In this powerful online coach training and certification program, you will…  

  • Master the 5-Step Client Breakthrough System to help clients get results fast  
  • Know for certain that your coaching is worth the high fees ($1000’s per month) your new clients will be paying you  
  • Get access to the “First 5 Sessions” outlines to guide you in coaching your clients to achieve all the major goals they might have (in every major niche market)

Value: $2,000.00

High End Selling Secrets: Create Incredible Offers People Will Say Yes To at Any Price

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover… 

  • Create a high end offer that scares and inspires you and does the same for the clients who are meant to work with you 
  • Advanced sales strategies that’ll get more of your ideal, high-paying clients to say “Yes” to your coaching 
  • How overcome objections to your coaching so clients will eagerly hire you without any questions 
  • How to confidently ask for the big fees without feeling scared or squeamish 

And a whole LOT more…

Value: $10,000.00

And That’s Just The Beginning…

Virtual Events That Sell

During this live virtual 3-day event, you'll discover how to…

  • Fill your virtual event with your target audience (including how to get other people to market and sell your event for you)
  • Facilitate them so people get a powerful experience
  • Keep the energy high and attendees on the edges of their seats from start to finish
  • Create a frenzy over the high end offers you make
  • Break your event up into highly valuable segments
  • Uncover fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that could sabotage you from creating and launching your event
  • Fill your high end masterminds and programs

High End Selling Secrets: Create Incredible Offers People Will Say Yes To at Any Price

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover… 

  • Create a high end offer that scares and inspires you and does the same for the clients who are meant to work with you 
  • Advanced sales strategies that’ll get more of your ideal, high-paying clients to say “Yes” to your coaching 
  • How overcome objections to your coaching so clients will eagerly hire you without any questions 
  • How to confidently ask for the big fees without feeling scared or squeamish 

And a whole LOT more…

Value: $10,000.00

And That’s Just The Beginning…

I’ve been coaching for over 20 years and I’ve been helping coaches, consultants, healers, online educators, and influencers grow their businesses for over 15 years. 


Along the way as I learned how to do something myself, I created a program to teach people how to follow in my footsteps to make it way faster and easier than it was for me. 


Over the years I’ve created over 40 of these online training programs which share all my secrets of success…


…secrets that helped me make the Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing companies in America 4 years in a row, while working part time! 


Secrets that helped me go from being on welfare to becoming a multi-millionaire. 


Secrets that helped me go from almost becoming a garbage man because I could barely support myself, to having a team of nearly 50 people.


And now as part of this one-time offer…. 


… I’m putting my entire life’s work as part of Coaching Success University, where you’ll get 12 months' worth of access to the rest of my programs not included in Big Money Business Coach.


Coaching Business Empire $10,000.00
High End Selling Secrets $10,000.00
Mastermind Millions $5,000.00
Free Webinars That Sell $5,000.00
Highly Persuasive $5,000.00
2 Tickets To Heal Your Money $h*t Now™ Live Event $4,000.00
Online Programs That Sell $2,000.00
High Profit JV Partnerships $2,000.00
Big List Blueprint $2,000.00
The More Money Program $2,000.00
Instant Miracle™ Abundance Program $2,000.00
Marketing Materials Masterclass $1,000.00
Business Plan Toolkit $1,000.00
Group Coaching Goldmine $1,000.00
Make A Difference Marketing $1,000.00
Confident Coach $1,000.00
High End Coach $1,000.00
Discover Your Perfect Niche $1,000.00
Client Retention Secrets $1,000.00
Get Clients From Deal Sites $1,000.00
Bestselling Book In A Day $1,000.00
Money Making Email Strategies $1,000.00
Relationship Coach Academy $1,000.00
Weight Loss Coach Academy $1,000.00
Parenting Coach Academy $1,000.00
Deep Impact $1,000.00
Secrets of Six Figure Coaches $1,000.00
Coaching Quick Start Kit $1,000.00
Dreams to Destiny $1,000.00
Your Dream Life Now $1,000.00
Enemies Into Allies $1,000.00
And a slew of other programs that haven’t been mentioned yet, plus those you’re already getting through Big Money Business Coach!
TOTAL VALUE $69,000.00+

My Team Was Concerned When We Came Up With This Plan...

They said, “If we let people buy all of our programs, we won’t have any programs to offer them later. Are we going to lose future money?”




“The only people who get access to all of your programs are our high-end mastermind clients. If we do this, will less people join the Masterminds since they might already have all of your programs?”


Yes, all of that might be true, I said.


But I want to do something special for people who invested in Big Money Business Coach.


Because the more coaches become successful, the more the world will experience the miracle of coaching. 


Bottom line, we’re doing this.


“What happens when I join?”

You’ll gain access to the programs, training, support, and community that you need to make a bigger difference with your coaching business. 


“What won’t happen if I join?”

You won’t be left wondering what to do next. You’ll have a clear path and plan I blazed many years ago you can easily follow. 


“What will happen if I don’t join?”

You won’t be able to discover the proven, and strategies that will help you keep your business growing and thriving. 


“What do you think I should do now?”

I hope you decide to give yourself the support you need and deserve. Not only for your sake and for your family’s sake, but for the sake of all your future clients you’ll be helping.

Act Before The Deadline And Get ThIS EXCLUSIVE Bonus Worth $4,000.00:

2 Tickets To Heal Your Money $h*t Now Live Event on August 15-17, 2024

At this powerful virtual event, you'll discover…

  • Discover hidden factors that could be holding you back from getting all of the money and clients you want
  • Take the “Wealth Abundance Assessment” to find out how abundant or scarcity-ridden you are
  • Uncover any invisible childhood traumas and programming that could be crimping the flow of money from coming into your life
  • Find out the #1 master key to becoming rich and prosperous
  • My personal money journey and how I went from welfare to multi-millionaire
  • Discover how to dissolve fears like talking about money, raising your coaching fees and getting high paying clients to say, “yes” right on the spot

Value: $4,000.00

Bonus #2: Private 1-on-1 “Rapid Success” Coaching Session

This is a super-powerful 1-on-1 session with a wildly successful Rapid Business Success Coach on my team who will work with you to… 

  • Create an easy-to-implement “Client Attraction Action Plan” so you know what the most important priorities are every day 
  • Look at what’s going on in your business right now & find the holes that are losing you clients and money 
  • Uncover hidden challenges, limiting beliefs, fears, doubts, or insecurities that may be sabotaging your attempts to scoop up brand new high-paying clients and… 
  • Experience new energy, enthusiasm, and excitement for what’s possible in your business – starting right now.

Value: $500.00

Remember, people need our help. Let’s get people coached!


With all the love in my heart, 


ps. This isn’t something you can “think about” and wait until you’re ready. I don't do this often. And the only people who get access to all my programs are members of my $80,000 mastermind and $250,000 mega-mastermind. 


So if you feel this could be what you need to get to the next level wherever you are in your coaching journey, then I would advise you to jump in. Because it may never be available to the general public ever again. So join now if it feels right. 


pps. Plus, think about it. There’s never a perfect time to do anything. Just ask anyone who has had a baby, fallen in love, got a new job, or changed their life. Because if you wait until the perfect time, you’ll be disappointed to find that it never comes. So if you feel you’re ready for this, then join below: 


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(For your convenience and to ensure uninterrupted access to all resources, your subscription will renew automatically for another year unless you choose to cancel. We don’t want you to lose momentum in your coaching journey!)

*Due to the generous nature of this offer, all sales are final.

© 2024. Christian Mickelsen. All rights reserved. Terms of Use & Privacy Policy.
Future Force, Chicago, Illinois 60611 USA